BBQ Tofu

Quick, easy and lip smacking!

Unflavored Soy Curls

Before using soy curls they need to be rehydrated then the magic happens with various seasonings and sauces.

BBQ Soy Curls

Quick, easy and lip smacking! A true winner to satisfy your craving.

Black Bean Burgers

The hickory smoke flavor from the torula yeast adds a unique flavor to these black bean burgers.

Vegan Hotdogs (with beets)

Who let the dogs out? Adapting the original recipe adds to the nutrition and you will not be disappointed!

Okara “Meatloaf” Loaf

This recipe has been adapted from Ten Talents by Frank and Rosalie Hurd. The first time I made this I was pleasantly surprised how tasty this loaf was and discovered it to be a great way to use up okara.