Making this tangy creamy cheese is very simple and economical. It’s one of our family favorites.
Yield: about 1 cup

Ingredients and other supplies
- 1-2 cups Greek yogurt (view instructions to make Greek yogurt)
- Your choice of seasonings (eg. salt, no salt seasonings or other dried herbs)
- 2 basket coffee filters (8-12 cup size)
- Clean cotton tea towel
- A clean hand towel
Steps To Make Yogurt Cheese
- Decide on your seasonings. Although seasonings can be added at the end, it’s easier to mix in at the beginning. As a guideline, use ΒΌ tsp salt for every cup of yogurt and 1 tsp of your choice of seasoning.
- Lay a coffee filter on top of a clean cotton tea towel. Scoop the yogurt on top of the coffee filter. Lay another coffee filter directly on top the yogurt. Pat the yogurt down, being careful to keep it contained within the circumference of the coffee filters.
- Fold and wrap the towel around the contents. (see photo below)
- For more absorbency, wrap the bundle in the hand towel, and set the contents into the fridge. Leave for a minimum of 4 to 5 hours or as long as overnight.
- When ready, unwrap the contents. The coffee filter should peel off easily, exposing thick creamy cheese. If the cheese is unwrapped too soon, the filter won’t peel away. If that’s the case, just re-wrap and leave wrapped a little longer. If the towel is fairly damp re-wrap into a fresh dry towel.
- If the cheese is too thick add a bit of the whey from the Greek yogurt.
- Store cheese in a container with lid and use within 7 to 8 days.
Below the yogurt is wrapped and ready to go in the fridge.

In the photo below the moisture has been absorbed into the towel, the coffee filter easily peels away leaving a thick, tangy creamy spread. The cheese below was seasoned with Mrs. Dash while it was in the Greek yogurt stage.