Meat Substitutes
Are you looking for vegan stir-fry meat strips for your salads, sandwiches or stir-fry’s? How about fajitas? I would recommend checking out Butler Foods and their Soy Curls.
Ground “Meat”
Most people are familiar with ground beef in spaghetti, chilli and tacos. I was excited to come across these variations to make meat substitutions.
One of my favorite meat free hamburger recipes, Burger Delight (page 40), comes from the Fort Myers CHIP (Complete Health Improvement Program) recipe collection. The recipe uses bulgur. It has very nice texture and it freezes well. You can access your free copy of this Recipe Collection PDF file with over a 100 pages of inspiration.
Another favorite, Chuck Underwood from Brand New Vegan has an amazing meat free Cauliflower Taco recipe. You won’t be able to tell the difference!