Common Questions
General Questions from A-Z
Education is key to being successful with our journey to whole food plant based eating. Many people have the same questions when they are starting on their transition. Are meat and dairy healthy? What about alcohol? Can I have a glass of wine? Do I need to exercise to lose weight?
To answer these common questions for myself, I turned to our respected plant-based experts. Their answers may leave you with new insight to make healthier choices.
Is gluten sensitivity real? Should gluten be avoided? What is gluten anyway? Learn about wheat allergies and celiac disease, and take an in-depth look at gluten sensitivity. Should You Really Be Gluten Free by Gift of Health
Do grains cause inflammatory diseases? What does the scientific literature have to say about grains? Should we avoid grains or should we be eating them? Why is there so much confusion about grains? Whole Grains: Good or Bad by Center of Nutrition Studies
Historically and globally a wide variety of grains have been a staple food in all cultures. For the Love of Grains by Dr John McDougall
Microbiome We Are What They Eat - - 5:40
You can cultivate new healthy gut flora in just 24 hours by simply changing what you eat. Bacteria that live in our intestinal tract, also known as gut bugs, flourish when we eat a variety of plant based foods. The more diversity we have in our gut bacteria the healthier our immune system. Presented are seven super foods to super charge your gut bacteria.
Seven Foods to Super Charge Your Gut Bacteria – Physician Committee
McDougall Breaking News
This is a dangerous concept many people fall into, as moderation is not a safe answer.
T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies
Walnuts & Artery Function – Michael Greger M.D. - 3:10
Organic may be important but it can also be misleading. Harm is caused when organic labels are placed on unhealthy refined products. The Organic Food Movement - by Dr John McDougall
How to Make Your Own Fruit & Vegetable Wash - Michael Greger M.D. – 6:09
The Food Revolution Network has a very through article on pesticides and how to remove this from our produce. You can check out their blog here.
In the Defense of the Potato - McDougall’s Moments – 2:42
This is an informative presentation, all about the potato which can also led to a healthier environment. Potao Mastermind Part 2 by D McDougall (video 1:36:45)
Do the Pros of Brown Rice Outweigh the Cons of Arsenic - Greger – 5:29
Putting Pollution in Perspective Arsenic in Rice by Dr McDougall
Coconut aminos is a delicious sauce made from coconut sap. It is dark, rich, salty (while being very low in sodium) and slightly sweet in flavor. It resembles a light soy sauce or tamari (wheat free soy sauce), but it is soy free and gluten free - making it the perfect replacement for those avoiding soy and gluten.
Researching the history of sugar will help one realize this refined sweetener is best to be avoided. Unfortunately, once experienced, it reacts with our brain chemistry and becomes a coveted additive and an obsessive addiction causing chronic diseases and obesity. For some, sugar is not a problem in their lives, but those who want to wean themselves off sugar there are very delicious solutions as we learn how to use natural sweet fruits like dates and dried fruits to be sweeteners.